Monday, July 25, 2011

Harvey Adventures at last!: Seaside

After a four hour car ride, Harvey was ready and eager to start his first officially documented adventure iiiiiiiiiin:
That's right folks! The ever-exciting and eternally touristy Seaside Oregon! This was not only a first for Harvey, but for Wicket as well. Wicket is the odd little collection of fluff and fuzz on the left end of the sign,  a two-year-old Yorkie/Shih Tzu puppy, and Harvey's travel sidekick for at least this expedition. Seaside Oregon is a relaxing, inexpensive, family fun, beach side vacation spot.

Seaside, famous for being the end of Lewis and Clark's transcontinental journey, is mainly a great tourist area with a main street bustling with arcades, kite flyers, and lots and lots of salt-water taffy. Most importantly thought, it's got an awesome beach.  

 In just a matter of minutes Harvey and I, (and Wicket) were off to the beach!
Harvey took in the warm and tasty breezes, while Wicket scurried about, confused by the sand and sea. In time Wicket grew accustomed to the beach enough to take care of 'his business' there, getting into the water, however, was another matter. Wicket could not get far enough from the ocean, but Harvey got a good snicker or two out of watching Wicket flee in immediate and absolute terror from every teensy weensy lil'wave.

Harvey and I take in the sick view from way up on the swings, while you, the reader and viewer get to enjoy these footsie shots of Harvey and I, all the while almost missing the awesome ocean view, thanks to the fabulously short photographer Cassi (my older but smaller sister).

Harvey and I enjoying a delightful round of bumper cars. (Harvey personally selected the stylish lighting-banana yellow car).
I regret to inform fans of H.A. that, charming as Harvey may appear, he throws all rules of gentlemanly conduct aside when it comes to
Bumper Cars. As you can see I was....more than a leeeeettle hesitant letting a Rabbit drive, but after Harvey made my grandmother spin-out more than a few times I feel it's safe to say my hesitation was well founded.

Mostly Hats! :Hat Shop is one of my all-time-favorite places. Ever since my first time picking out my own souvenir in Seaside, when I stumbled into "Mostly Hats: Hat Shop" I knew from that day on that I would always get my souvenirs there! Since "Mostly Hats" is a Seaside landmark in my book,  Harvey had to come, and while he was certainly disappointed in the lack of fine top hats, Harvey found he had a little viking in him that he fully embraced.
(Since that fateful day Harvey has not gone a day without subtlety dropping the hint that he wouldn't mind a viking helmet someday)
 The whole lot of us,my Grandma, Cassi, my Mom, Harvey, and Myself decided to go for a lovely sight seeing mini-adventure! We went to Wheel Fun Rentals, where we rented a small small electric golf cart, (as my Grandma called it). We weaved in and out of little suburban back roads to see the fun variety of houses, a result of my mother watching too much HGtv. Harvey found his way to the front again, after bumper cars with Harvey my grandma seemed surprisingly calm. I, however, was not, but fortunately my mother made Harvey sat in the back with my sister and me.
 Since we were touring through the increasingly rough backstreets of Seaside Oregon Harvey and I knew we needed to represent so we tossed up a waffle-sign, establishing ourselves as 'street' enough.
This is the gate to one of the most amazing yards I've ever seen. When we stopped our small electric golf cart to get a better look Harvey seemed almost at home there, but claims never to have been there before. On another note I spotted a wrench, two watering cans, a wheel, a bell two candles, a bird, a basket, head of a shovel, a little shovel, several handles, a big scarf wearing rabbit, annnd some other stuff.
Here we are at the Lewis and Clark turn around in Seaside Oregon. It is a tradition in my family when leaving to go around the turn around on our way out. We never usually take pictures by/with Lewis and Clark because we've been so many times, but since it was Harvey's first trip we had to. Harvey fit in so naturally and stoically with the old boys he inspired the rest of us, (even Wicket).

Harvey looking over Cassi walking Wicket one last time before we all loaded up in the car for the four hour drive back. 

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