Sunday, July 24, 2011

Welcome to the Adventure!

2011 is the year of the Rabbit. People born under this sign are said to be talented, virtuous, lucky and have a good head for business; and despite the motto "I relax", they also are some of the most ambitious people around. So it seemed appropriate that our little pet project be born under such a symbol. Hopefully it will continue for a long, adventurous, lucky lifetime.

About The Authors

Hannah Easterson and Tobi Boggio met in 1996, at Oak Heights Elementary School in Mrs. Bailey's  Kindergarten class, and, despite a rocky start, have been close friends ever since. Despite not attending the same classroom, or even school, since fifth grade, they have spent most of their time dreaming up schemes, hobbies and plans, one of which is the blog that you currently are enjoying (we hope).

Hannah Easterson is an IB graduate, viking, science fair dork, and all around nerd. She is currently studying for a degree in Theatrical design and Film at the University of Washington. She is also currently working towards starting a small Internet film company and also writes, sews, costumes and acts. She also finds it extremely weird to write about herself in third person and does not particularly enjoy it. Her favorite hobbies are the nerdiest; going to Sci-fi conventions, collecting memorabilia and debating the finer points of Star Trek are among her favorites.

Tobi Boggio is a actor, passionate Italian hand-talker, artist and all around geek. She is currently studying to be an elementary school teacher, which has been her lifelong ambition for as long as Hannah can remember. Tobi also enjoys the geekier side of life and frequently attends Anime and Sci-fi conventions, sews costumes, draws webcomics and imagines life as a Gorn from Star Trek.

About Harvey

Harvey started his life, (well, as far as we know it), in a bin at Value Village. He was picked up as a sacrifice to the needs of a cosplay, as pelts and faux fur are so much cheaper in the form of stuffed animal remains (as horrible as that sounds). However after some cuddling by Tobi's mom, and intervention on the part of Tobi, Harvey's life was spared and his adventures began.

Harvey's adventures actually started five years ago at Shoreline Relay for Life where he stood in as a mascot for Gabbert Architect's five man "Rabbits on Roofs" team. An instant hit, he return for another two years where he acquired a bit of history, including the signature of World Record Holder Laura D'Asaro after he watched her break the record for the World's Fastest Mile Crawled; raising over 13,000 dollars in the process. She signed his left ear.

Harvey is a chill , laid back kind of guy. All around nice, adventurous, ambitious and certainly lucky.
About the Adventure

The Adventure was first conceived when Hannah and Tobi climbed Big 4 Mountain in Washington State, once again reasserting that they want to do this sort of thing more often. Not only is Hiking great exercise, but it's also amazingly fun, and a great way to hang out in lives where time can often be consumed by other projects. When Tobi mentioned Harvey over a picnic, the idea was born.

Anytime Hannah, Tobi, or anyone travels, Harvey will get to travel with them. The Goal? Take Harvey around the world (or at the very least, around). Let's see how many places we can get this rabbit to go.

If you ever feel like contributing, feel free to do so. Hannah and Tobi would like to see this little project do some good, primarily for the organization from which Harvey was born. Whatever proceeds might come from this blog (however tiny), we'd like to send them towards the American Cancer Society which strives to prevent cancer, save lives, and diminish suffering; and is a worthy cause that all of us behind the blog support.

Lets go Adventure!

Relay for Life 2008. 24 hours of walking later.

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