Monday, September 19, 2011

Harvey at the Movies: Cowboys V.S. Aliens

When I was a kid, my family wasn't the most affluent, nor was it very good at dealing with outings, as us kids outweighed the parents two-to-three, and we knew it. Moreover, my father, never a big fan of movies often left that ratio down to a perilous three-to-one at the theater. So it makes sense that throughout my entire childhood my family only went to the movies once a year. Even when my mom's weird taste in films forced us to waste that one movie on bizarre epics about old men going cross-country on riding lawn-mowers, or what-ever-the-hell "Mars Attack" was about; going to the movies was always an adventure, no matter what we were seeing. So we thought it appropriate that Harvey get to experience one of our most exciting childhood adventures; the movies.

Ok, ok, so the movies may not really sound all that exciting. But we're talking Cowboys and Aliens, the twin dreams of a pair of nerd-geek buddies like Tobi and I.

Now, as explained in the opening post, Tobi and I are pretty nerdly, and moreover, we love costuming, so what better way to truly experience an event like "Cowboys and Aliens" then with a set of nifty costumes. From the moment we saw the first preview, and set about giggling over the prospect of a "Cowboys and Aliens" film, featuring a cantankerous Harrison Ford as even more cantankerous Colonel Dolarhyde. So, costumes were quickly put into the works. Firstly though, it seemed like it was time we got Harvey a real carrying pack.

Harvey wasn't sure if he liked carrying pack but we assured him he was manly enough to work polka-dot lederhosen. (more about this on my sewing blog)
 Then it was our turn to get costumed!

Tobi was an alien and I was a cowboy. As a last minute addendum we reverted back to elementary school and made ourselves a pair of Gauntlet Weapons out of tin cans and random knick-knacks from around my sewing shop. Granted, they looked nothing like the Gauntlet Weapons in the movie, but they were still totally awesome.

Chase and Kylara joined in for all the excitement.
They had to scramble for costumes, forgive them for not being as epic as us, they're still young.
Even Harvey got all dressed up in a little Sheriff vest over his spiffy new polka-dot lederhosen.

Then at 11:30 it was off to Regal Cinemas Alderwood Movie Theater! Excitement! Adventure! Midnight showings!
Now, perhaps the best moment of the night. Chase, Kylara and I hopped out of the car while Tobi went to go park. Behind us were a group of several teenage guys (the usually annoying breed), and they got in line behind us. I payed for tickets to a pretty unimpressed ticket-taker, and then stood off to the side to await the appearance of my Alien friend. One of the guys stopped in line and stared at me for a moment. I awaited the usually boring, crude or crass comment that usually pops out of teen boy's mouths.
"Wow." he nodded. "Those are the best costumes for "Bridesmaids" ever."
I awarded him 54 win points.

Then we got into the theater and managed to be one of the first people in, snagging up the good seats, right in front of the aisle, where you can put your feet up on the railing. I also secured a large bag of popcorn for my consuming purposes. Tobi and I also engaged in "Pew-pewing" all the passersby. Alas, only one, rather cute guy, played dead.
Pew Pew!
 The Movie was great. Pure nerdy entertainment. Was it the most brilliant and movie film of the summer? No. But it was just a lot of fun, and not just because we were on an epic Harvey Adventure. You really can't do wrong with Harrison Ford in a Fedora fighting off aliens

Wait a gosh-darn minute here...something seems wrong about that sentence....
Not only was the movie just purely fun, but it also featured some pretty good eye candy. Between grumpy old Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig in slightly tight pants there's not much you can do to screw up.

Harvey gets himself some big guns.
Throw down in the movie theater!

Leaving the theater. I think the Theater should've contracted us for advertisement purposes.

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